Liver & INTESTINAL Transplants Save Lives

Liver Transplant Facts

Total ANZ Liver Transplants [1985 - 2023]
5-year Patient Survival since 2010
ANZ Liver Transplants in 2023

Intestinal Transplant Facts

Total A&NZ Intestinal Transplants [2010-2023]
5-year Patient Survival since 2010
ANZ Intestinal Transplants in 2023


ANZLITR is the Australia & New Zealand Liver and Intestinal Transplant Registry

ANZLITR is a collaboration of the liver and intestinal transplant units in Australia and New Zealand. The Registry contains data on all liver and intestinal transplants performed in Australia and New Zealand since establishment of first liver transplant unit in 1985.

An annual report is produced and contains information on numbers of transplants performed, waiting list flows and patient and graft outcomes.

ANZLITR Management Committee

Position Committee Member
Dr Michael Fink, Austin Health
Dr Wing-Yee Lo, Austin Health
New South Wales
A/Professor Simone Strasser, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Dr Peter Hodgkinson, Princess Alexandra Hospital and Queensland Children’s Hospital
South Australia
Dr John Chen, Flinders Medical Centre
Professor Robert Jones, Austin Health and The Royal Children’s Hospital
Western Australia
Professor Bryon Jaques, Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital
New Zealand
Professor Ed Gane, Auckland City Hospital and Starship Children’s Hospital


The ANZLITR is funded by the Australian Organ and Tissue Authority [AOTA]

Data Content

The purpose of the Australia & New Zealand Liver and Intestinal Transplant Registry is to collect, collate and analyse data on the outcomes of treatment of patients with acute or end stage liver failure and/or intestinal failure.

The data are analysed to report on outcomes of all patients listed for liver and/or intestinal transplantation. Data includes demographics, reason for transplant, patient survival, graft outcomes, type of graft, causes of patient death, deceased donor and living donor information, waiting list activity and cancer after transplantation.

Participating centres

New South Wales

Australian National Liver Transplant Unit
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital

Missenden Road
Camperdown NSW 2050

The Children's Hospital at Westmead
Hawkesbury Road
Westmead NSW 2145


Queensland Children's Hospital
Stanley Street
South Brisbane QLD 4101

Queensland Liver Transplant Service
Princess Alexandra Hospital

Ipswich Road
Woolloongabba QLD 4102


Victorian Liver Transplantation Unit
Australian Intestinal Transplant Service
Austin Hospital

Studley Road
Heidelberg VIC 3084

The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne
Flemington Road
Parkville VIC 3052

South Australia

South Australian Liver Transplant Unit
Flinders Medical Centre

Flinders Drive
Bedford Park SA 5042

Western Australia

WA Liver Transplantation Service
Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital

Verdun Street
Nedlands WA 6009

New Zealand

New Zealand Liver Transplant Unit
Auckland City Hospital

Park Road
Auckland, New Zealand

Starship Children’s Hospital
Park Road
Auckland, New Zealand


ANZLITR Registry

Austin Hospital
Studley Road
Heidelberg VIC 3084


Dr Wing-Yee Lo

Phone: +61 3 9496 6980

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